Suit as every garment, not only isolates the person from the outside, but on beliefs of our ancestors saves and strengthens it with magic acts, often encrypted in the pictures, ornaments, etc. In the suit, his jewelry, magic sense of its individual parts and ornament, most clearly manifested in his celebratory ritual variants.

Saki-Massagets - costumes I millennium BC, created based on museums and publications of scientists of Central Asia, Russia and other countries. The clothes of priests, riders, warriors.

Achaemenids - suits 6-4 centuries BC, are made based on the bas-reliefs, rock paintings, images on the buildings and ceramics.

Anahita - based clay figurines Zoroastrian goddess of fertility, and prosperity lyuvi Anahita, statues of other deities found in Afrosiab and other archaeological sites, create a female costumes of the 1st millennium BC

Sogdiana - suits 6-8 centuries reflect the unique fragments of frescoes Afrasiab, Penjikent Varakhsha, bBlalyk Tepe and others. Presented palace clothes noble citizens of Samarkand and embassies of Chaganian.

Timurids - based miniatures "Babur-name", "Zafar-name", "Hamsa" Dehlavi and Navoi and other apparel recreated courtiers and ladies.

Ends theatrical performance presentation ceremony, preserved almost undistorted, in various regions of Uzbekistan to the present day - the wedding. XIX century costumes made of silk, brocade, beqasams, atlas. Widely used gold and silver embroidery, in both women's and men's clothes.